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Handwritten Signature
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What is a handwritten signature?
A handwritten signature is a legal mark of an individual’s full name signed by hand in a stylized way (also defined as ‘scripted name’) to approve or execute a document. These marks on an agreement confirm the person’s identity and show their current will and intention to sign the document. Traditionally, people create their handwritten signatures on paper with a pen. However, modern devices, like tablets and some mobile phones, can also capture names and legal marks. Made with a stylus, they look like handwritten ones and hold the same legal effect when using a specialized signing tool.
Do signatures need to be handwritten?
No. According to national and international legislative acts, signatures must not necessarily be handwritten. People can sign an agreement with pen and paper or use modern technologies for eSigning. Since the UETA and ESIGN Acts came into play in 1999 and 2000, they have granted full validity to electronic signatures and proclaimed their legal equality to physical ones. Therefore, following these regulations, any contracts, official forms, and other documents are recognized as valid and can’t be rejected for being in electronic form and not on paper.
If you choose to create your handwritten signature electronically, you need to use a specialized tool to make your signature legally binding. The system must verify the identity of all parties, and all parties must consent to do business electronically. This means signers must agree to use electronic records for their operations (i.e., clicking on the 'I accept’ button or checking a box to opt-in). Also, all parties must declare their intention to sign a document electronically, and there must be a record in the system about this process (i.e., how you signed the agreement). And finally, the system must keep records of all document transactions and enable all parties to have copies of approved contracts.
If the conditions mentioned above are met, you can electronically create your handwritten signature on any documents. A few exceptions require wet ink signatures only (like wills, powers of attorney, and some papers related to the family law).
If you choose to create your handwritten signature electronically, you need to use a specialized tool to make your signature legally binding. The system must verify the identity of all parties, and all parties must consent to do business electronically. This means signers must agree to use electronic records for their operations (i.e., clicking on the 'I accept’ button or checking a box to opt-in). Also, all parties must declare their intention to sign a document electronically, and there must be a record in the system about this process (i.e., how you signed the agreement). And finally, the system must keep records of all document transactions and enable all parties to have copies of approved contracts.
If the conditions mentioned above are met, you can electronically create your handwritten signature on any documents. A few exceptions require wet ink signatures only (like wills, powers of attorney, and some papers related to the family law).
How can I create a handwritten signature electronically?
To create a handwritten signature that is valid and legally recognized without printing your paperwork, you need to use a professional eSigning tool. Choose signNow, one of the market-leading solutions that fully complies with industry laws and regulations. It enables you to legally approve your contracts anytime, anywhere, and from any device. Register for an account or sign up for our free 7-day trial to get started. Then, upload your document and open it in the editor. You can fill out your sample or adjust it with fillable fields for other parties to complete. To approve the form, drop the My Signature field where you need to create a handwritten signature and select how you prefer to sign: by drawing with a mouse, stylus, or finger, or adding an image of your regular signing mark. This way, it will look just as if you made it on paper and simultaneously hold the same legal effect.
How do I create a handwritten signature in a Word document online?
Microsoft Word is a commonly used program for creating and editing text files. Many people still draft their contract templates in Word. However, MS Word doesn’t feature a tool for legally signing such templates. To create a valid handwritten signature in .doc files, you need to print them out or utilize a specialized application for eSigning like signNow.
signNow is a reliable cloud-based eSignature solution that complies with all industry standards and regulations, so all eSigned contracts are legally binding. The tool works on any internet-connected device and lets you upload documents for eSignature in different formats, including DOC. To create a handwritten signature in a Word document, upload it to your account, open it in the editor, complete any blank fields, and drop the My Signature field where needed. The tool gives you three options to eSign a form:
Finally, click Save and Close and choose whether to download the copy, send it for signing, or email it right from your account.
signNow is a reliable cloud-based eSignature solution that complies with all industry standards and regulations, so all eSigned contracts are legally binding. The tool works on any internet-connected device and lets you upload documents for eSignature in different formats, including DOC. To create a handwritten signature in a Word document, upload it to your account, open it in the editor, complete any blank fields, and drop the My Signature field where needed. The tool gives you three options to eSign a form:
- by typing your full name and stylizing it as you like;
- by drawing your regular signature with a stylus, mouse, or your finger (if using a mobile application);
- by adding an image of your wet-in signature.
Finally, click Save and Close and choose whether to download the copy, send it for signing, or email it right from your account.
How do I create a handwritten signature in Google Docs?
If you’re using Google services and have an account with signNow, you can send your agreement samples for eSigning right from your Google Docs. Use the signNow add-on for Google Docs. To obtain the add-on, click on Add-ons in the upper menu → Get add-ons → type in the add-on’s name into the Search tab to find it in the marketplace → click Install.
To launch the signNow add-on, click on the Add-ons menu again, and select signNow for Google Docs → Send Signature request. Now you can send eSignature requests to your partners and clients without leaving your documents or switching between tabs. Your recipients will receive an email with the form for approval. Once opened, they can click on the highlighted field and create their handwritten signature electronically – even while on the go. You’ll get the approved copy in your signNow Dashboard marked as ‘Signed.’
To launch the signNow add-on, click on the Add-ons menu again, and select signNow for Google Docs → Send Signature request. Now you can send eSignature requests to your partners and clients without leaving your documents or switching between tabs. Your recipients will receive an email with the form for approval. Once opened, they can click on the highlighted field and create their handwritten signature electronically – even while on the go. You’ll get the approved copy in your signNow Dashboard marked as ‘Signed.’